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The historical relationship between psychiatry and the major religions
This chapter of the volume Psychiatry and Religion: The Convergence of Mind and Spirit presents a cross-cultural examination on the contemporary relation between psychiatry and the religious t...
Advances in the conceptualization and measurement of religion and spirituality : implications for physical and mental health research
The authors suggest that despite valuable findings on the relationship between spirituality, religion, and health, psychology does not understand the relation of these areas area very well. This artic...
Richard J. Davidson
Richard Davidson, an affective neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin and a long time participant in dialogue with the Dalai Lama on Buddhism and neuroscience, received the Award for Distinguis...
Positive psychology : east and west
The author lauds the new field of positive psychology, but suggests that the efforts directed to this field not be too narrowly focused. Transpersonal and Eastern psychologies also have a body of know...
Buddhism and neuroscience : studying the well-trained mind
This article from the magazine Science reports on the 2003 Mind and Life conference at Harvard with the Dalai Lama and psychologists, scientists, and others. The article includes comments from ...
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