Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Enhancing Therapeutic Presence
After September 11, therapists were faced with having to support patients while maintaining presence and calm amidst the aftermath of the tragedy. The author looks to Buddhist practices aimed at settl...
Making and Remaking Tibetan Diasporic Identities
The fifty-year long Chinese occupation of Tibet has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and has produced a refugee flow that continues today. Although the plight of Tibetans commands inter...
Tibetan Medicine and Dermatology in the Fifteenth Century
Description to be added.
Having A ‘Safe Delivery’: Conflicting Views from Tibet
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A Tibetan perspective on ethics, spirituality, and healing
The author provides a general overview of the Tibetan medical tradition's approach to disease, specifically focusing on how negative mental states like attachment, anger, and delusion are fundamental ...
The gesture of awareness : an account of its structural dynamics
This article proposes a description of the structural dynamics of the act of becoming aware based on the phenomenological method of épochè (or reduction), but also incorporating observations from ps...
Response : passionate about Buddhism : contesting theories of emotion
Do religious traditions produce emotions unique to specific cultural contexts? Answering in the affirmative are variations of constructionism typically associated with postmodernism; answering in the ...
On becoming aware : a pragmatics of experiencing
Drawing its main source of inspiration from a naturalized interpretation of Husserlian phenomenology, On Becoming Aware: A Pragmatics of Experiencing attempts to examine closely the nature of e...
Wisdom traditions and the ways of reduction
The book On Becoming Aware seeks a disciplined and practical approach to exploring human experience. While much of the book draws its inspiration from the phenomenological theories of Husserl,...
Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation
This is a study pubished in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine on the effects of mindfulness meditation on the brain and immune system. Participants in the study engaged in an 8-week training ...
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