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Bulletin of Tibetology, 1999, Number 3
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by Tenzing Norbu Sithar and P. G. Yogi. It was published in October of 1999. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1999, Number 2
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by Rigzin Ngodup and P. G. Yogi. It was published in July of 1999. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1999, Number 1, Ashoka Volume
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology is devoted to accounts of King Aśoka compiled from Tibetan source material by Acharya Samten Gyatso Lepcha, with English versions by Thupten Tenzing...
Bulletin of Tibetology, 2001, Number 1
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by P. G. Yogi and Gos Pema Gyaltsen ('gos padma rgyal mtshan). It was published in February of 2001. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 2001, Number 2
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by P. G. Yogi, Maitreyee Choudhury and Kamal Bikash Choudhury. It was published in July of 2001. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 2002, Number 1
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by Ashwani Kumar, Chowang Acarya, Lama Sherab Rhaldi, and P. G. Yogi. It was published in February of 2002. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 2001, Number 3
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by P. G. Yogi, Chowang Acharya, and Gos Pema Gyaltsen ('gos padma rgyal mtshan). It was published in November of 2001. (Ben Deitle 2006-0...
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1998, Number 3
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by Ashwani Kumar, Chowang Acharya, Sonam Gyatso Dokham, and P. G. Yogi. It was published in November of 1998. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1998, Number 2
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology features articles by Chowang Acharya, Tsewang Tamding, and P. G. Yogi. It was published in July of 1998. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1964, Volume 1, Number 1
This is the very first issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology published in May of 1964. It features the transcript of an address given by Palden Thondup Namgyal, Chogyal of Sikkim, as well as article...
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