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Between wonder and doubt : psychoanalysis in the goal-free zone
This paper examines the experiential dimensions of wonder and doubt as one way to articulate the creative and growth-promoting tensions between the medical/scientific model and the spiritual/mystical ...
Meditation and the self regulation of learning : a link between health science and religion
Joseph Loizzo is a psychiatrist and a Ph.D in religious studies with a focus on Buddhism. In this lecture, he discusses meditation and its relation to health practice and research. He asks why meditat...
Response : passionate about Buddhism : contesting theories of emotion
Do religious traditions produce emotions unique to specific cultural contexts? Answering in the affirmative are variations of constructionism typically associated with postmodernism; answering in the ...
Intersubjectivity in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism
This essay focuses on the theme of intersubjectivity, which is central to the entire Indo-Tibetan Buddhist tradition. It addresses the following five themes pertaining to Buddhist concepts of intersub...
The Relevance of the Buddhist Theory of Dependent Co-origination to Cognitive Science
The canonical Buddhist account of the cognitive processes underlying our experience of the world prefigures recent developments in neuroscience. The developments in question are centered on two main ...
Exploring actuality through experiment and experience (print)
A comparison is presented of three approaches to an understanding of `what is actual': modern science, Husserlian phenomenology, and Tibetan Buddhist Dzog Chen. In each approach, experiment is the cen...
Reductionism versus holism : multiple models of the spiritual quest
The transfiguration of ontology through structural coupling, an autopoesis of ego and mediation, produces consequent large-scale changes in human culture. The Web is assuming the role of the collectiv...
This resource has a 3 star rating
Access to Adventure -- Tibet Tourism
While the main focus of Access to Adventures's business is adventure tourism in India, they do provide services to popular Tibetan sites such as Lhasa, Shigatse, Gyantse and areas around Mt. Everest a...
Closer to truth : science, meaning, and the future
Closer to Truth is a series on PBS television looking at some of the most challenging and important advances and discoveries in science. Hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, the show brings in promi...
Lama Yeshe wisdom archive
This website of the FPMT offers select titles of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa for free download in pdf format. These title are also available in print form for free although packaging and shipping fees ap...
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