Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Francisco Varela (1946-2001) : filling the mind--brain gap : a life adventure
One of the most eminent neuroscientists recently passed away in Paris. Professor Francisco Varela was a scholar that approached science with a remarkably broad and integrative perspective, deeply cont...
For Francisco Varela : explorer of the phenomenal world
Francisco Varela was an innovative thinker and researcher as well as a pioneer in the present dialog between science and Buddhism. In this essay, the author first speaks briefly about some of Francisc...
The headless way
"The headless way" arose from the English philosopher Douglas E. Harding's investigation into the question "Who am I?" He began to look at himself from a variety of perspectives, from up close and far...
Ganden Shartse Monastery
A homepage in Spanish and English for East Point College (shar rtse), one of the two major colleges of the Ganden (dga' ldan) Monastery in India. The site includes pages on the teachers, activities, t...
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