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The taboo of subjectivity : toward a new science of consciousness
In this book Alan Wallace, a scholar and practitioner of Buddhism and with a background in science, argues for a new science of consciousness that takes subjectivity into account. He makes the point t...
The journey : searching for out origins part 2
This is part one of a two part webcast featuring an interdisciplinary discussion between a Buddhist, Christian, and agnostic/scientist focussing fundamental questions about human origins, evolution, t...
The center for the study of science and religion (CSSR)
The purpose of the Center for the Study of Science and Religion is to pursue important issues in science, medicine, ethics, economics, and other areas through scholarship and interdisciplinary dialogu...
This resource has a 5 star rating
Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (html)
Founder of the Santa Barbara Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Consciousness, Alan Wallace, answers questions on his background in religion and science, how science and religion can complem...
Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (pdf)
Founder of the Santa Barbara Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Consciousness, Alan Wallace, answers questions on his background in religion and science, how science and religion can complem...
Science, religion, and the human experience
From 2001 to 2003, the University of California, Santa Barbara hosted several prominent scholars, philosophers, and scientists in a series of lectures devoted to the relation between science, religion...
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