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Chaos and the way of Zen : psychiatric nursing and the 'uncertainty principle'
The biological sciences have been dominated by 'classicist' science-predicated on the post-Enlightenment belief that a real world exists, which behaves according to notions of causality and consistenc...
Enhancing Therapeutic Presence
After September 11, therapists were faced with having to support patients while maintaining presence and calm amidst the aftermath of the tragedy. The author looks to Buddhist practices aimed at settl...
On research in Zen
Zen is one of several mental or spiritual disciplines that have become the object of recent scientific interest and theory. The authors discuss several aspects of Zen, such as the psychophysiological ...
Toward a biochemistry of mind?
In a special edition of the American Journal of Psychiatry, neuroscientists examine mental and emotional states that were previously consider the domain of psychology, religious studies, philos...
The historical relationship between psychiatry and the major religions
This chapter of the volume Psychiatry and Religion: The Convergence of Mind and Spirit presents a cross-cultural examination on the contemporary relation between psychiatry and the religious t...
The mind and the brain : neuroplasticity and the power of mental force
The Mind and the Brain, co-written by psychiatrist Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Wall Street Journal writer Sharon Begley, looks at the question of the relation between the brain and the mind drawing...
Meditation and the self regulation of learning : a link between health science and religion
Joseph Loizzo is a psychiatrist and a Ph.D in religious studies with a focus on Buddhism. In this lecture, he discusses meditation and its relation to health practice and research. He asks why meditat...
Meditation and the conscious self-regulation of learning a multi-disciplinary model for the scientific uses of meditatative self-correction
Psychiatrist and Buddhist scholar Joseph Loizzo discusses self-regulation and reconditioning the mind against the stress response through meditation. He particularly looks at issues pertaining to a mu...
Consciousness at the crossroads : conversations with the Dalai Lama on brainscience and Buddhism
Consciousness at the Crossroads is a record of the Dalai Lama's meeting with Western psychiatrists, neuroscientists, and philosophers in October of 1989. This was the second formal conference b...
Should the Buddha have taken prozac? religious implications of SSRIs
This article focusses on anecdotal reports of how Prozac and other selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can affect personality and personal interests and asks the questions concerning the d...
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