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End piece : reflections on the treatment of anger
Research on the nature of anger and how it differs from other emotions is reviewed. Dimensions that differentiate disturbed from normal anger are also discussed. Based on the research and results of s...
Mindfulness and acceptance : expanding the cognitive-behavioral tradition
This volume discusses a growing and changing group of therapies within the cognitive-behavioral tradition of clinical psychology. Many less traditional approaches to therapy based on themes such as mi...
Encountering Buddhism : Western psychology and Buddhist teachings
Scholars, research scientists, and therapists look at what it means to encounter, sometimes struggle with, be inspired by, and attempt to integrate Buddhist teachings into their own worldviews and pro...
Albert Ellis and the Buddha : rational soul mates? a comparison of rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and Zen Buddhism
Several types of cognitive therapy in use in modern clinical psychology draw their inspiration from the Buddhist tradition. Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), created by cognitive therapy pione...
Current therapies and the ancient East
Current therapies, their theories and techniques ebb and flow in popularity, but there is a residue of basic principles and practices which remain. Much of this useful residue has been present in anci...
A Buddhist psychology
This chapter is part of a volume which presents the personality and psychotherapeutic theories of all the major religions. Organized according to topics within modern psychology, the author looks at h...
Cognitive behavior therapy : thinking positive
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is becoming increasingly popular among psychologists as a way to treat certain emotional disorders like depression, anxiety, and phobia. The main aim of cognitive beha...
Albert Eliis Institute
Albert Ellis is the leading figure behind cognitive behavior therapy, a type of therapy that asks patients to confront their habitual ways of thinking to overcome a variety of emotional and cognitive ...
Albert Ellis and the Buddha : rational soul mates? a comparison of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) and Zen Buddhism
Although religion and psychology are generally conceived of as distinct domains, the theoretical underpinnings of certain psychological theories are inextricably related to religious ideology. This re...
Buddhism, psychology, and addiction theory in psychotherapy
This chapter from the collected volume Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community looks at the interface between Buddhism and psychology with respect to self-control and addic...
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