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[Viewpoints of 7 religions on contraception, prenatal diagnosis, induced abortion and infant death]
Increasing numbers of people from other cultures have migrated to the Nordic countries. Most of them are young people who often differ from us in their traditions and their attitudes to contraception,...
Killing, karma and caring : euthanasia in Buddhism and Christianity
In 1993 The Parliament of the World's Religions produced a declaration known as A Global Ethic which set out fundamental points of agreement on moral tissues between the religions of the world. Howeve...
Buddhism, euthanasia and the sanctity of life
Below is an author abstract of a response article to Damien and John Keown concerning Buddhist and Christian views on medical ethics, published in the same issue of issues of The Journal of Medical...
The koan of cloning : a Buddhist perspective on the ethics of human cloning technology
What is Buddhism's perspective on cloning? While ethicists and review boards have engaged in much discussion on the ethics of cloning from the perspective of the world's great theistic religions, litt...
Bioethics in Thailand : the struggle for Buddhist solutions
The Thai concern for bioethics has been stimulated by the departure of Thai medicine from its long tradition through the introduction of Western medical models. Bioethics is now being taught to Thai m...
Defining death : organ transplants, tradition and technology in Japan
This article explores Japanese attitudes about brain death and organ transplantation. First, ancient burial customs and death-related rituals associated with Shinto and Buddhism are examined. Next, co...
Koreans honor dead lab animals (who knows -- they may return)
Laboratory researchers in Korea hold a ceremony to honor animals used in experiments over a ten month period. The practice of honoring the passed animals is part of the Buddhist culture and helps ease...
Euthanasia : Buddhist principles
Religions provide various forms of motivation for moral action. This chapter takes Buddhism as an example from within the Indian 'family' of religions and seeks to identify the doctrinal and cultural ...
Loving kindness : the essential Buddhist contribution to primary care
Loving kindness (metta), a traditional Buddhist concept, implies acting with compassion toward all sentient beings, with an awareness and appreciation of the natural world. The giving of metta,...
Transcending self and other : Mahayana principles of integration
In this chapter from the book Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community, the authors discuss Mahāyāna Buddhist concepts and methods transcending a strong bifurc...
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