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Value and meaning in Gestalt psychology and Mahayana Buddhism
This chapter seeks to establish connections Western psychological and Indo-Tibetan Buddhist philosophy in the area of ethics and value. In the face of how values have varied widely and changed greatly...
Altruism in science can learn from Buddhism
Science & Theology News interviews B. Alan Wallace about the Buddhism and science. Topics in this short interview include the Buddhist view of the self, subtle states of consciousness, lucid dr...
Closer to truth : science, meaning, and the future
Closer to Truth is a series on PBS television looking at some of the most challenging and important advances and discoveries in science. Hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn, the show brings in promi...
Common ground, common cause : Buddhism and science on the afflictions of identity
Buddhist scholar William Waldron attempts to understand the reasons for human evil and the causes of suffering based on the viewpoint of Indian Buddhism and the biological and social sciences. (Zach R...
Visions of compassion : western scientists and Tibetan Buddhists examine human nature
Visions of Compassion arose out of the 1995 Mind and Life conference entitled "Altruism, Ethics, and and Compassion." The meeting brought together the Dalai Lama with Western neuroscientists, p...
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