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Dol-po-pa shes-rab rgyal-mtshan and the genesis of the gshan-stong position in Tibet
The article describes events that led to and surrounded Dölpopa Sherap Gyeltsen's (dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan, 1292-1361) development of the view of gzhan stong ('emptiness of other', 'other emp...
The Buddha from Dolpo : a study of the life and thought of the Tibetan master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen
A study of the life and work of the important Jonang figure Dölpopa Sherap Gyentsen, including his philosophical view of gzhan stong. (Yaroslav Komarovski 2004-04-16)
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center provides an excellent reference resource for efficiently looking up titles for classical Tibetan literature, as well as for looking up Tibetan religious figures; it ha...
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