Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Labrang (ch. Xiahe) Monastery in Amdo
The travel journal and photo album of a recent visitor to Labrang Monastery in Amdo (Xiahe Si in Gansu Province). The pictures are professional quality.
Palpung Monastery in Kham
Palpung Monastery was arguably the most vital cultural institution in Kham during the 18 and 19th centuries. In the middle of the 18th century it was the homebase for the editing of the Derge edition ...
Conserving Tibetan Art and Architecture (project)
Project to conserve and renovate Tibetan monasteries and their works of art, inclusing murals. This website contains some information about the recent history of certain key monasteries in Kham, easte...
This resource has a 1 star rating
A Tibetan Enclave in Yunnan: Land, Kinship, and Inheritance in Gyethang
Article discusses the survival of traditional Tibetan lifestyles in the border areas of what is understood as geographical Tibet. These more marginal groups provide interesting cultural variation to ...
Tibetan and Himalayan Library
The Tibetan and Himalayan Library is a large-scale international collaboration between various universities and other organizations around the world devoted to Tibetan and Himalayan Studies. It archiv...
A Research Report on the Editing of Two Tibetan gnas-bśad
The article breaks down the structure and content of two Tibetan place-guides (neshé; gnas bshad). (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-02-03)
Sera Monastery Project
Sera Monastery has been one of Tibet's premier monastic educational institutions from its founding in the early fifteenth century until the present. It is the second largest of the three great seats o...
Tibetan government in exile
The Tibetan government in exile's official website. Includes recent press releases from the Dalai Lama's government, as well as many essays - from their perspective - on the history and political stat...
Namgyal Institute of Tibetology
A multifaceted educational and cultural center dedicated to the history and religion of Sikkim, formerly a Himalayan Buddhist kingdom and now part of India. The institute is being newly reconstituted ...
The Dolpo Project
The Dolpo Project was founded in 1997 to aid and support the cultural survival of the Tibetan people in Dolpo, northern Nepal. Their aid projects center around supporting local monasteries maintain th...
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