Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Review of Per K. Sørensen et al., Thundering Falcon: An Inquiry into the History and Cult of Khra ’brug, Tibet’s First Buddhist Temple
Bryan Cuevas provides an in-depth review of Per K. Sørensen and Guntram Hazod, with Tsering Gyalbo, Thundering Falcon: An Inquiry into the History and Cult of Khra ’brug, Tibet’s First Buddhis...
Modernity, Power, and the Reconstruction of Dance in Post-1950s Tibet
Creator's Description: This article traces the changes and transformations of Tibetan dance that have occurred since 1950, looking at how agents of change ranging from small groups of Tibetan...
Review of Victoria Sujata, Tibetan Songs of Realization: Echoes from a Seventeenth-Century Scholar and Siddha in Amdo
Lauran Hartley provides an in-depth review of Victoria Sujata’s Tibetan Songs of Realization: Echoes from a Seventeenth-Century Scholar and Siddha in Amdo. (Steven Weinberger 2007-12-16)
Review of Rob Linrothe, Holy Madness: Portraits of Tantric Siddhas and Glenn Mullin, The Flying Mystics of Tibetan Buddhism
Serinity Young provides in-depth reviews of Rob Linrothe, ed., Holy Madness: Portraits of Tantric Siddhas and Glenn Mullin, The Flying Mystics of Tibetan Buddhism. (Steven Weinberger 200...
News for JIATS issue 3, December 2007
News, JIATS issue 3. (Steven Weinberger 2007-12-21)
A Look at the Diversity of the Gzhan stong Tradition
Creator's Description: This article introduces two studies by classical Tibetan Buddhist scholars that explain the range of meanings of the term gzhan stong. The two texts – one by P...
An Early Seventeenth-Century Tibeto-Mongolian Ceremonial Staff
Creator's Description: This article provides a translation and study of a recently discovered ceremonial staff housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Based on the identification of two name...
The Importance of the Underworlds: Asuras’ Caves in Buddhism, and Some Other Themes in Early Buddhist Tantras Reminiscent of the Later Padmasambhava Legends
Creator’s Description: the story of Padmasambhava taming non-human females at the Asura Cave at Pharping is well known. Much less widely known is the wider tradition of asur...
“Emperor” Mu rug btsan and the ’Phang thang ma Catalogue
Creator's Description: Confusion shrouds the events surrounding the death of Emperor Khri Srong lde btsan (742-c. 800) and the succession of his sons at the turn of the ninth century. Tibetan r...
Beyond Anonymity: Paleographic Analyses of the Dunhuang Manuscripts
Creator's Description: This article presents a new paleographic approach to the Tibetan manuscripts from Dunhuang. By adapting the techniques of forensic handwriting analysis to the Tibetan alp...
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