Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Tibet Heritage Fund
THF is a non-governmental international organization dedicated to the preservation of Tibetan cultural heritage. In particular, it has been focused on historic Himalayan building and traditional const...
Photo Gallery of Nyingma Lamas
The photo gallery index to the homepage of the Aroter Community. Contains many photographs of famous and anonymous lamas from the first half of the twentieth century that are of great historical value...
Frontline (PBS) : Dreams of Tibet - a troubled country and its enduring fascination
A 1998 Frontline special about current events in Tibet and the fascination of foreigners with Tibet. One of the best parts of this site are the numerous interviews with politicians, journalists, and s...
Dudjom Buddhist Association International
Hong Kong-based Tibetan Buddhist group of the Nyingma sect. This website contains many historical photgraphs of important lamas from the last century, and full-text editions of their magazine, Light o...
Andrew Stevenson's homepage
Photo galleries of Nepal and Bhutan as well as links to two books on trekking in the Annapurnas in Nepal. (Steven Weinberger 2004-03-31)
Science, religion, and the human experience
From 2001 to 2003, the University of California, Santa Barbara hosted several prominent scholars, philosophers, and scientists in a series of lectures devoted to the relation between science, religion...
Priests and Cobblers: Social Change in a Hindu Village in Western Nepal (reprint)
Creator’s Description: This book is a study of the changing relations between members of the priestly caste (Brahmins) and a group of untouchables (Sarkis or Cobblers) over the period from th...
Creator's Description: Asianart.com is dedicated to all aspects of Asian art. It is our ambition to offer a forum for scholars, museums and commercial galleries. We display highlights of exhibi...
The art of Tibet applique thangkha
This is the site of Pasang and other Tibetan artists in Kathmandu, Nepal who make large-size traditional Tibetan appliqué tangkas (Tib. thang ka). The site includes pages on the history ...
The sweet tea house - contemporary tibetan art gallery
Website of The Sweet Tea House, an art gallery in London dedicated to promoting contemporary Tibetan art and bringing together some of the coming young talents by exhibiting their works. The gallery's...
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