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Bulletin of Tibetology, 1987, Number 1
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in February of 1986. The issue features articles by Nirmal C. Sinha and Hugh Richardson. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1987, Number 2
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in July of 1987. The issue features a reprint of the Tibetan text of Atīśa's Bodhipatha Pradipa (Byang chub lam gyi sgron ma) a...
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1986, Number 3
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in November of 1986. The issue features articles by Hugh Richardson, H. B. Sarkar, Kalyankumar Ganguli, and Nirmal C. Sinha, as well as some ...
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1986, Number 2
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in July of 1986. The issue features a printing of the Tibetan text of Atīśa's Bodhipatha Pradipa and articles by Helmut ...
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1985, Number 3
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in November of 1985. The issue features articles by Hugh Richardson and Lama Sherab Rhaldi, and a short note by Nirmal C. Sinha. (Ben Deitle ...
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1986, Number 1
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in February of 1986. The issue features articles by Nirmal C. Sinha, Turrell V. Wylie, and Buddha Prakash. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1987, Number 3
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in November of 1987. The issue features articles by Nirmal C. Sinha and Jayeeta Ganguly, as well as Notes and Topics by Bhajagovinda Ghosh. (...
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1988, Number 1
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in February of 1988. The issue features articles by Nirmal C. Sinha, Hugh Richardson, and Kenneth Lieberman. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1989, Number 2
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in August of 1989. The issue features articles by Marianne Winder, Jayeeta Ganguly, Suniti Kumar Pathak, and a short note by Jampal K. Rechun...
Bulletin of Tibetology, 1989, Number 3
This issue of the the Bulletin of Tibetology was published in November of 1989. The issue features articles by Hugh Richardson, Jampal K. Rechung, and Bhajagovinda Ghosh. (Ben Deitle 2006-01-16)
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