Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on medical and premedical students
Investigators conducted an 8-week study to examine the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques on medical and premedical students using a controlled, statistical experimental d...
Bioethics in Thailand : the struggle for Buddhist solutions
The Thai concern for bioethics has been stimulated by the departure of Thai medicine from its long tradition through the introduction of Western medical models. Bioethics is now being taught to Thai m...
Teaching tips for clinical faculty from the Zen tradition
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Teachers of family medicine may improve their skills by examining teachers from other disciplines and cultures. The teaching traditions of Zen might be adapted to medical ed...
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SQL Statement: DELETE FROM APSessionData WHERE SessionId = '1509436699'
SQL Error: Table './thl_scoutportal2/APSessionData' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed