Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on medical and premedical students
Investigators conducted an 8-week study to examine the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques on medical and premedical students using a controlled, statistical experimental d...
Commentary on Majumdar et al : mindfulness meditation for health
Pioneer of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), Jon Kabat-Zinn, discusses some of the background, rationale, and current status of mindfulness based intiatives for their over 20 year history of ...
Meditation and light order of the day for psoriasis
This controlled study looked at the effect of stress reduction interventions in the treatment of psoriasis, a chronic skin disease characterized by inflamed red areas and silvery scales. The stress re...
Simple techniques to relieve anxiety
Many patients can obtain rapid, short-term relief of anxiety through the use of simple, meditative techniques. Anxiety, tension, mild depressive feelings, and psychophysiologic symptoms frequently res...
Burnout and the Buddha
A medical professional outlines the difficulties and burnout involved in the practice of dermatology. How can dermatologists, and, by extension, all medical professionals avoid burnout? The author loo...
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