Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Mindfulness and acceptance : expanding the cognitive-behavioral tradition
This volume discusses a growing and changing group of therapies within the cognitive-behavioral tradition of clinical psychology. Many less traditional approaches to therapy based on themes such as mi...
Simple techniques to relieve anxiety
Many patients can obtain rapid, short-term relief of anxiety through the use of simple, meditative techniques. Anxiety, tension, mild depressive feelings, and psychophysiologic symptoms frequently res...
A-void--an exploration of defences against sensing nothingness
This aricle investigates the psychology of the "void" or nothingness and how patients can see nothingness or a "nameless dread" as eminently hostile and threatening. The author explores potential aven...
Meditation and consciousness : an Asian approach to mental health
According to Abhidhamma, a classical Asian phenomenology of consciousness, through meditation a set of "healthy" mental properties reciprocally inhibits an "unhealthy" set. In light of Abhidhamma and ...
This resource has a 5 star rating
Tangles and webs
Tangles and Webs, by Buddhist scholar in the Theravāda tradition Padmasiri De Silva, uses existential philosophy and the psychoanalytic tradition to interpret and understand Buddhist teachings...
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