Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Body temperature changes during the practice of gTum-mo yoga
Below is the abstract from a study published in Nature magazine in 1982 by Herbert Benson and others on the Tibetan yogic practice of "inner heat" or Tummo (Tibetan: gtum mo). This was one of t...
Mind/body interactions including Tibetan studies
This chapter from the book MindScience : An East-West Dialogue is a record of a presentation given by Harvard doctor Herbert Benson during a conference between the Dalai Lama and psychologists,...
MindScience : an east-west dialogue
MindScience is a record of a conference that took place between the Dalai Lama and psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, and psychobiologists at Harvard Medical School in March 24, 199...
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