Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Consciousness at the crossroads : conversations with the Dalai Lama on brainscience and Buddhism
Consciousness at the Crossroads is a record of the Dalai Lama's meeting with Western psychiatrists, neuroscientists, and philosophers in October of 1989. This was the second formal conference b...
MindScience : an east-west dialogue
MindScience is a record of a conference that took place between the Dalai Lama and psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, and psychobiologists at Harvard Medical School in March 24, 199...
Structure, strategy and self in the fabrication of conscious experience
Neurophysiological and psychological evidence require us to see perception, the 'fabrication of (conscious) experience', as a process in time. Some of the elapsed time between the onset of stimulation...
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