Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Integral Institute
The aim of the Integral Institute is the bring together of a full range of disciplines- the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, neurology, ecology), art, ethics, religion, psychology, polit...
Integral naked
Integral Naked is a multimedia portal illuminating an integrated approach to life and living. Included are conversations, performances, live broadcasts of influential, provocative, and important think...
Consciousness at the crossroads : conversations with the Dalai Lama on brainscience and Buddhism
Consciousness at the Crossroads is a record of the Dalai Lama's meeting with Western psychiatrists, neuroscientists, and philosophers in October of 1989. This was the second formal conference b...
The headless way
"The headless way" arose from the English philosopher Douglas E. Harding's investigation into the question "Who am I?" He began to look at himself from a variety of perspectives, from up close and far...
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