Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Simple techniques to relieve anxiety
Many patients can obtain rapid, short-term relief of anxiety through the use of simple, meditative techniques. Anxiety, tension, mild depressive feelings, and psychophysiologic symptoms frequently res...
Psychophysiological correlates of meditation
The scientific research that has investigated the physiological changes associated with meditation as it is practiced by adherents of Indian Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, and Zen has not yielded a ...
The gesture of awareness : an account of its structural dynamics
This article proposes a description of the structural dynamics of the act of becoming aware based on the phenomenological method of épochè (or reduction), but also incorporating observations from ps...
This resource has a 5 star rating
Tangles and webs
Tangles and Webs, by Buddhist scholar in the Theravāda tradition Padmasiri De Silva, uses existential philosophy and the psychoanalytic tradition to interpret and understand Buddhist teachings...
The headless way
"The headless way" arose from the English philosopher Douglas E. Harding's investigation into the question "Who am I?" He began to look at himself from a variety of perspectives, from up close and far...
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