Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Suppressing tumor progression of in vitro prostate cancer cells by emitted psychosomatic power through Zen meditation
Human prostate cancer PC3 cells were treated in vitro with psychosomatic power emitted by a Buddhist-Zen Master. A significant decrease of growth rate was observed as determined by MTT assay after 48 ...
Does mindfulness meditation contribute to health? outcome evaluation of a German sample
OBJECTIVES: This exploratory study is the first systematic outcome evaluation to examine the effects of an 8-week meditation-based program in mindfulness in a German sample. DESIGN: Twenty-one (21) pa...
Zazen and cardiac variability
OBJECTIVE: This study examined the effects of "tanden breathing" by Zen practitioners on cardiac variability. Tanden breathing involves slow breathing into the lower abdomen. METHODS: Eleven Zen pract...
Healing images : historical perspective
This chapter, from the book Healing images : The Role of Imagination in Health, takes a broad look at the use of imagery in across cultures from ancient times to the present. The author discuss...
Meditation and the conscious self-regulation of learning a multi-disciplinary model for the scientific uses of meditatative self-correction
Psychiatrist and Buddhist scholar Joseph Loizzo discusses self-regulation and reconditioning the mind against the stress response through meditation. He particularly looks at issues pertaining to a mu...
Meditation and the self regulation of learning : a link between health science and religion
Joseph Loizzo is a psychiatrist and a Ph.D in religious studies with a focus on Buddhism. In this lecture, he discusses meditation and its relation to health practice and research. He asks why meditat...
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