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Full catastrophe living : using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness
Full Catastrophe Living provides an introduction to a body of mindfulness-based meditation practices aimed at cultivating a greater sense of awareness in the face of all of life's events. Parti...
Does mindfulness meditation contribute to health? outcome evaluation of a German sample
OBJECTIVES: This exploratory study is the first systematic outcome evaluation to examine the effects of an 8-week meditation-based program in mindfulness in a German sample. DESIGN: Twenty-one (21) pa...
Three-Year Follow-Up and Clinical Implications of a Mindfulness Meditation-Based Stress Reduction Intervention in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
A three year follow-up of 22 individuals suffering from DSM defined anxiety disorder who participated in a time-limited, physician-referred mindfulness meditation program showed maintenance of the sig...
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and health-related quality of life in a heterogeneous patient population
This study examined the effects of an 8-week (20 min/day) mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program on health-related quality of life and both the psychological and physical symptomology of a ...
Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits : a meta-analysis
The authors perform a comprehensive meta-analysis based on an overview of 20 previous studies on mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a meditation technique widely practiced in clinical settings...
The efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in the treatment of sleep disturbance in women with breast cancer : an exploratory study
As part of a larger study of the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques on the health of women with breast cancer, this article looks in particular at the effectiveness of MBSR in st...
Meditation and consciousness : an Asian approach to mental health
According to Abhidhamma, a classical Asian phenomenology of consciousness, through meditation a set of "healthy" mental properties reciprocally inhibits an "unhealthy" set. In light of Abhidhamma and ...
Mind-body medicine in ambulatory care : an evidence-based assessment
Ambulatory medicine is a frequent clinical setting where practitioners can effectively apply Mind-body interventions ranging from basic stress management therapies to the sophisticated biomedical inst...
Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation
This is a study pubished in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine on the effects of mindfulness meditation on the brain and immune system. Participants in the study engaged in an 8-week training ...
The healing power of mindfulness : living your life as if it really matters (transcript)
This is a transcript of a lecture given by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Virginia Medical School on mindfulness and healing. (Zach Rowinski 2005-05-14)
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