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Empathy and human experience
Philosopher of mind Evan Thompson provides a model for a methodologically and ethically mature science of consciousness using "first-person" (introspective) methods to understand the mind and human ex...
The retinal blind spot in the scientific vision of our origins
In this webcast, B. Alan Wallace, a scholar of Buddhism and science, looks at the history and philosophy of science. Drawing extensively on his background in the cognitive and physical sciences, he ar...
The intersubjective worlds of science and religion
B. Alan Wallace, a scholar of Buddhism and science, gives a lecture on the role of science and religion in human experience. He focusses particularly on how the mind can be considered amenable to scie...
Science, religion, and the human experience
From 2001 to 2003, the University of California, Santa Barbara hosted several prominent scholars, philosophers, and scientists in a series of lectures devoted to the relation between science, religion...
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