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Foreigner at the Judge's Feet [review article]
A review article by Toni Huber of Rebecca Redwood French's The Golden Yoke: The Legal Cosmology of Buddhist Tibet
mKhas dbang dGe 'dun chos 'phel gyi gsar rnyed gsung rtsom by rDo rje rgyal [review article]
Description to be added.
Shangri-la in Exile: Representations of Tibetan Identity and Transnational Culture
Description to be added.
Green Tibetans: A Brief Social History
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Some 11th-Century Indian Buddhist Clay Tablets (tsha-tsha) from Central Tibet
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IATS Minutes [From the ninth seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies]
These are the minutes from the business meeting held on June 29, 2000, at the 9th seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies in Leiden, the Netherlands. (Ben Deitle 2006-03-09)
Why Can't Women Climb Pure Crystal Mountain? Remarks on Gender, Ritual and Space at Tsa-ri
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Introduction: A mdo and Its Modern Transition
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A Critical Edition of the Guidebook to Lapchi (La phyi gnas yig)
An introduction by Toni Huber to Tendzin Chökyi Lodrö’s Guidebook to Laphyi (La phyi gnas yig) and Huber’s critical edition of the text. (Steven Weinberger 2006-12-19)
The Skor lam and the Long March: Chinese Modernity and the Loss of Tibetan Ritual Territory in A mdo Shar khog
Creator’s Description: Following Chinese occupation, all types of ritual territories recognized by Tibetans across the Tibetan plateau either became defunct, or went into abeyance and then re...
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