Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Review of Jeffrey Hopkins (trans., ed.), Tantra in Tibet: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra
A short review of Jeffrey Hopkins (trans., ed.), Tantra in Tibet: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra.
Review of Herbert V. Guenther, Buddhist Philosophy in Theory and Practice
A short review of Herbert V. Guenther, Buddhist Philosophy in Theory and Practice.
The Kṣa Final in the Viśvalocana Lexicon
Description to be added.
Aspects of Hindu and Buddhist Tantra
Description to be added.
Three Tanjur Commentaries--Buddhagahya, Ratnākarāsānti, and Smòrtijänānakirti
Description to be added.
Sttudies in the Buddhistic Culture of India by Lalmani Joshi [review]
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Addendum to Alex Wayman's Article "A Problem of 'Synonyms' in the Tibetan Language: Bsgom Pa and Goms Pa" in Volume 7 of The Jounal of the Tibet Society
A short addendum that contains Tibetan text that was accidently omitted from Alex Wayman's article "A Problem of 'Synonyms' in the Tibetan Language: Bsgom Pa and Goms Pa" published in vo...
A Problem of 'Synonyms' in the Tibetan Language: Bsgom Pa and Goms Pa
In this article, Wayman compares two Tibetan words, bsgom pa and goms pa. While the two terms have similar meanings in some contexts, they are not always interchangeable. Wayman looks at...
The Goddess Sarasvati – from India to Tibet
Description to be added.
The Tibetan Negatives med, and the Mañjuśrī-nāma-saṃgīti VI, 19 Commentaries
This article looks at two chief negatives of logic in Tibetan philosophy, and discusses their contrasting usage in various examples of Tibetan literature. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-07-13)
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