Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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The measurement of regional cerebral blood flow during the complex cognitive task of meditation : a preliminary SPECT study
Blood flow in the cerbral cortex of Tibetan Buddhist meditators was observed using Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), a brain imaging technique which measures metabolic activity in th...
HMPAO-SPECT imaging during intense Tibetan Buddhist meditation
Using brain imaging techniques, investigators measured brain activity of an advanced Tibetan Buddhist meditator. The results showed an increase of blood flow during the peak of meditation to the left ...
Cerebral blood flow during meditative prayer : preliminary findings and methodological issues
Meditative practices typically require several coordinated cognitive activities. This study measured changes in cerebral blood flow during "verbal" based meditation by Franciscan nuns involving the in...
The Neural Basis of the Complex Mental Task of Meditation: Neurotransmitter and Neurochemical Considerations
Meditation is a complex mental process involving changes in cognition, sensory perception, affect, hormones, and autonomic activity. Meditation has also become widely used in psychological and medical...
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