Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Bibliographies of Mongolian, Manchu-Tungus, and Tibetan Dictionaries
An exhaustive list of bibliographic information for Mongolian, Manchu, and Tibetan dictionaries. (Bill McGrath 2008-02-06)
Prolegomenon to a Study of the Gser 'od nor bu 'od 'bar gyi mdo
Description to be added.
The Tantra 'A Vessel of Bdud Rtsi,' a Bon Text
A translation of a Bön (bon) Mother Tantra. The Tibetan title is Bdud rtsi bum pa'i rgyud, and it is found in the third volume of the Collected tantras of Bon (Bka' 'gyur rgyud sde'i...
Preliminary Results from a Study of Two Rasāyana Systems in Indo-Tibetan Esoterism
The article looks at two different systems of alchemy as they are found in Ningma (rNying-ma) literature in an attempt to shed light on the role of alchemy and medicine in Tantrism. (Mark Premo-Hopki...
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