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The Education of Young Tibetans in India: Cultural Preservation or Agent for Change?
The text describes and comments on findings of an on-site anthropological study undertaken at a Tibetan residential school in northern India. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-02-03)
Phya-pa chos-kyi seng-ge's Impact on Tibetan Epistemological Theory
The text attempts to consolidate scattered information regarding Chapa Chökyi Senggé (phya pa chos kyi seng ge) and his influence on the development of Tibetan logical theory. (Mark Premo-Hopkins, 2...
Some Notes on Interrelationship in Tibetan Etymology
This text gives a summary of how Tibetan words are constructed in general, and then analyzes the relationship between the construction of Tibetan verbs and nouns. (Mark Premo-Hopkins, 2004-02-03)
Ḍākinīs in the Cakrasaṃvara Tradition
This text looks at the significance of ḍākinīs, which represent feminine aspects of the enlightened Buddha, in two Saṃvara tantras. (Mark Premo-Hopkins, 2004-01-27)
Cataloguing Mongolian and Tibetan Objects in European Museums and Collections
The text explains the process by which thousands of Mongolian and Tibetan artifacts, from close to one hundred Eurpoean museums, were catalogued by just a few people. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-02-03)
A Research Report on the Editing of Two Tibetan gnas-bśad
The article breaks down the structure and content of two Tibetan place-guides (neshé; gnas bshad). (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-02-03)
On the Function and Origin of the Particle dag
The article looks at the etymology and historical function of the plural and numeral particle dag. (Mark Premo-Hopkins, 2004-03-18)
The Working of Sâdhana: Vajrabhairava
The article oulines a specific understanding of sâdhana as learning by doing. In sâdhana practice the devotee, "learns to relate to the world and to himself, both visualized in moving imagery." (Ma...
The Spiritual Lineage of the Dzogchen Tradition
The text looks at the origin and function of Dzokchen (rdzogs chen) in Tibetan Buddhist tradtions. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-02-12)
Life and Activities of Atiśa (Dīpaṃkaraśrījnāna): A Survey of Investigations Undertaken
Using primary Tibetan resources, as well as recent biographical publications, this source makes a critical attempt to arrive at the actual life events of Atiśa (Dīpaṃkaraśrījnāna). (Mark Premo-...
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