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The Tantra 'A Vessel of Bdud Rtsi,' a Bon Text
A translation of a Bön (bon) Mother Tantra. The Tibetan title is Bdud rtsi bum pa'i rgyud, and it is found in the third volume of the Collected tantras of Bon (Bka' 'gyur rgyud sde'i...
Sa-skya Paṇḍita's Letter to the Tibetans: A Late and Dubious Addition to His Collected Works
This brief article investigates the authenticity of a letter attributed to Sakya Paṇḍita (sa skya paN+Dita). The letter, titled Bu slob rnams la spring ba, has been cited by several ...
Der Ursprung der Sprache Von Zhang-Shung
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Tibetan Expertise in Sanskrit Grammar – A Case Study: Grammatical Analysis of the Term Pratītya–samutpāda
This article compares the grammatical analysis of the Sanskrit term pratītya-samutpāda by Tibetans during the first (8th-9th centuries) and second (13th-14th centuries) translation periods. T...
Review of John Bray, A Bibliography of Ladakh
A review by Patrick Kaplanian of John Bray, A Bibliography of Ladakh.
Text Structure and Rule Ordering in the First Tibetan Grammatical Treatise
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Researches on Poison, Garuḍa-Birds, and Nāga-Serpents Based on the Sgrub thabs kun btus
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The Development of the Human Embryo According to Tibetan Medicine: The Treatise Written for Alexander Csoma de Kőrös by Sangs-rgyas Phun-tshogs
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Some Notes on the Early 'Bri-gung-pa Sgom-pa
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Notes on Csoma de Kőrös's Translation of a Tibetan Passport
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