Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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The Neural Basis of the Complex Mental Task of Meditation: Neurotransmitter and Neurochemical Considerations
Meditation is a complex mental process involving changes in cognition, sensory perception, affect, hormones, and autonomic activity. Meditation has also become widely used in psychological and medical...
Zazen and cardiac variability
OBJECTIVE: This study examined the effects of "tanden breathing" by Zen practitioners on cardiac variability. Tanden breathing involves slow breathing into the lower abdomen. METHODS: Eleven Zen pract...
A Tibetan perspective on ethics, spirituality, and healing
The author provides a general overview of the Tibetan medical tradition's approach to disease, specifically focusing on how negative mental states like attachment, anger, and delusion are fundamental ...
The ethical, legal and religious aspects of preembryo research
Recent advances in the field of reproduction have made it possible to obtain preembryos and to use them in many research applications. These include research into improving methods of IVF treatment, c...
Hindu and Buddhist children, adolescents, and families
Children in Buddhist and Hindu cultures often hold different concepts of the self compared children in Western cultures. This article addresses the issues of these differences explores ways in which p...
Reductionism versus holism : multiple models of the spiritual quest
The transfiguration of ontology through structural coupling, an autopoesis of ego and mediation, produces consequent large-scale changes in human culture. The Web is assuming the role of the collectiv...
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